Here is what I've done in the past two weeks. I added a lot of new features and bug fixes to the game but there are a few things that are still bothering me. But I'll try to fix those things by the next update video. Sephrix offered to make some music for the game so I'm really happy about that. He's a really talented artist, and I'm pretty sure he's offering to make music for people right now too! I usually try to keep my posts on here brief so if you'd like to see all of my notes click on that there video for more info. I'm hoping to keep updating like this every two weeks. Critisism and Feedback is greatly appreciated. I'm always open to hearing what people have to say.
Here's a link to the game if you want to play (Hopefully it works)
The controls are the same as before.
The Mouse - Used in battle and inventory.
Arrow Keys - Used to move
Space Bar - Use this to interact with objects | In battle use it to block and time attacks.
Shift Bar - And this button open's the inventory